Property Transfer License Information
Prior Training Course Requirement (1999 to 2021) – Now VOID
Until October 1, 2021, § 9-217.1 of the Environment Article required any person engaged in the business of inspecting on-site sewage disposal systems for the purposes of a property transfer to complete a training course approved by the Maryland Department of the Environment (Department). Individuals that had taken an approved course were listed on the Department’s website.
Licensing Requirements and Fee (2021)
During the 2021 legislative session, the Maryland General Assembly passed legislation creating new licensing requirements for all persons providing services for the inspection of on-site sewage disposal systems for property transfers in the State. The legislation repealed § 9-217.1 and added § 9-217.2 which required, as of July 1, 2022, any individual engaged in inspecting an on-site sewage disposal system to be licensed by the Department. MDE developed regulations under COMAR 26.04.12. These regulations detail the terms, conditions, and requirements for licensure. Specific conditions (COMAR allow for an individual previously listed on the Department’s website to become licensed. The license is valid for a two (2) year period.
Board of On-site Wastewater Professionals and Registration Fee (2022)
During the 2022 legislative session, the Maryland General Assembly passed legislation establishing a State Board of On-Site Wastewater Professionals under Title 9, Subtitle 11A of the Environment Article. The law requires an individual who provides an on-site wastewater service to be licensed by the Board. This includes a property transfer inspection of an on-site sewage disposal system.
Until the Board is created, §9-11A-15 requires any individual who provides on-site wastewater services in the State to pay a registration fee of $150 by December 31, 2022, in order to continue providing these services. This $150 registration fee must be paid every two years thereafter until the Board is seated and sets its own licensing fees. Property transfer inspectors that have already paid the $150 licensing fee under the 2021 legislation do not have to pay the registration fee established under the 2022 legislation.
Starting January 1, 2023, MDE will publish on their website the list of Registered Individuals for On-Site Wastewater Services. As of January 1, 2023, any Department licensed property transfer Inspectors will automatically be listed, without the need to submit an application.